
Portrait photo of Amanda Ray Kühling

“Amanda's Zitat”

Event & Office Manager

⸻ Welcome

Amanda’s Hintergrund

As Event and Office Manager at HELIX HUB, Amanda strives to create an unforgettable experience for all members of the community and guests.

After graduating with a degree in Business Administration, Amanda began her career in the hospitality industry where she discovered her passion for hospitality. In the years that followed, she gained valuable experience in the field of employee experience, both in start-ups and large companies. Eventually, she decided to set up her own business and called herself an „Experience Creator“.

She is passionate about creating unforgettable experiences together with the HELIX HUB team and all members and guests!

Amanda’s Kompetenzen

  • Experience Creator
  • Event Management
  • Office Management
  • Project Management
  • Organizational talent